Wednesday, August 26, 2009


wow lots of deepness going on up in here, i almost feel like i am here to learn and not to share but it would be so unfair for me to read about you all and not give a few of my experiences.

so we're quite the bunch, huh! i think on my own i have had enough experiences to cover for everyone - this year was so crazy, i separated from my husband for six months and in those six months discovered what fake friends i have! my goodness, its amazing the rejection you can suffer from those who are supposed to be your sisters in the faith. but am learning! i have learnt today that nobody can reject me if i dont first reject myself, you see if the orange in the post below does not know how sweet it is, it will forever resent the banana and the person who "rejected" it!

okay so this is just an introductory post, the stories could go on and on forever, but i cant give them all in one doze so i will keep it short and sweet for now and just announce to everyone, am a late comer but am heeeere! and no am not here to be celebrated, am not trying to show that "i have arrived", i mean AM HERE as in despite everything, AM STILL LIVING!

God is wonderful and he's been good to me!!!! amen!!

nice to meet all the wonderful bambejja and readers and future readers of this blog and always honoured to be a part!


1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
