Monday, October 26, 2009

My blood will not splash on you 1

I decided to post this here as well...

Every time I think about disciplining children, I remember an aunt of mine who, one morning, when she was about to beat up my cousin with a rather thorny, branchy stick, told my sisters and me to leave the room because blood would splash on us. I witnessed so many such discipline moments. A visitor would say something that a cousin had told him, and as soon as he left, my aunt would beat up that cousin. I saw many people beat up their children and the whole time, we were told it was good to be beaten and these things were endorsed by God Himself in the Bible. I accepted that as gospel truth. After all, if you spare the rod, you spoil the child. Right? Might as well use the rod every single opportunity you can get.

My parents are pretty strict but they didn't believe in beating us randomly. I probably got less than ten beatings my whole life. They preferred to talk to us about things and for the most part, we were pretty obedient.

Somewhere in mid-primary school, I transferred to a place where beatings were the order of the day. Pipes, more thorny branches, pieces of wood, whatever it was, we were beaten with it and for whatever reason the teachers deemed appropriate. Staffroom discussions were tailored around that stubborn child who thought he was all that because his parents were politicians. Aunts would have lunches talking about their children, sometimes even in our hearing in family gatherings we would learn what a good girl Mary was and what a bad boy John was. Only those children who were number one in school and in the neighbourhood qualified as "good" (but who is ever number one all the time?). Everyone else was a bad child and warranted discipline. After these meetings, teachers would tell us, "We should win the cleanliness prize this term - why should Std 3Yellow outdo us?" and parents would say, while beating their sons, "Why can't you be like Tom?"

Discipline in my mind was something bad, done in anger for the simplest things. It was only supposed to be enforced by people who had earned the right to do so... or people in bad moods who had fought with their husbands and wanted to take out their anger on those under them. Thinking about chastisement from God with that backdrop really made me dread discipline and reproof from Him. I'd picture something like this: me, banished from His presence, eating from a pigsty somewhere in the belly of a huge whale, with thunderings and lightnings terrifying whatever daylights remained in me. Every single time something in my life went wrong, I saw it as discipline. Every incident that hurt me seemed to be God just giving me a beating because I had annoyed Him by making the slightest mistake. Until very recently, to me God was just someone just waiting for me to mess up so He could rain a double portion of the afflictions of Egypt on me.

I never thought of God as pleased with me. I didn't know what I had to do to get Him to smile. I felt like I was constantly under some pressurizing surveillance and was walking on eggshells. Like my mistakes were laid bare for everyone with a spiritual gift. In my mind, He discussed me with His children much like parents discussed their children with each other at family gatherings.

And then, one day, I read a little about how parents should discipline their children. I began to understand the importance of not doing it in anger. Thinking about that and turning it around in my mind made me understand God's discipline better. Chastisement and punishment are two different things. I've been spared from punishment by Jesus' death and resurrection for my sake. But I need chastisement to keep me in line. I am not chastised when God is “in a bad mood,” because He never is, or when someone tells Him I said something bad about Him. He does not beat me with a log for the smallest mistake. I am chastised lovingly, calmly, and when I seek Him, He shows me why He is doing it and how He wants to change me. I am chastised for things about which I should have known better. Things about which He has told me. He doesn't have to ask anybody to leave the room... in fact, many times He will allow them to get a glimpse of my chastisement and glorify His Name. My blood won't splash on anyone because His has already spilled for me. And His discipline is effective. It is painful enough to get my attention but not so exaggerated that it kills my spirit. While it is ongoing I might wonder if He truly loves me but the end result is not bitterness from a child who feels unloved or resentment from a daughter who feels like she is being compared to others when she wants to live out her uniqueness. The end result is love and thanksgiving that are birthed from a recognition that this has truly been done for my good.

*The end result sometimes takes a looooong while to materialize, but it's worth it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I haven't written anything serious in a long while so here goes...

I have been studying on remnants in the Bible. A remnant is a survivor, has been left over. What should have killed you didn't, you survived what killed others and that qualifies you for a remnant. You see, when man is finished with you God has just begun. It is a shrinking process and a sieving process BUT when God comes in, there is not turning back. What looks like a mess will soon change, God is going to Rebuild, Restore and Repair. He is bringing back His glory. God is going to blow minds- He will push the rules of religion. Just watch and see.

God tends to deal with our humanity first before He can handle the spirituality. So everything around you may seem wrong but remember, He is dealing with the humanity. When you figure out who you are, you will stop compromising. I remember a time I told God, I don't want to be your chosen one, I just want to be like everybody else...they seem to have less problems and their life seems smoother. But I was blind to who I am and where I am heading. May the Lord open your eyes to who you are and who you could be coz then the cost will be more bearable but remember there is a cost for the glory the Lord will bestow upon you and thus the remnants.

You cant cause someone else to be remnants in their own situation unless you are a remnant yourself, unless you have been through something that only God could have gotten you out of, Unless you have been somewhere you cant go anywhere else and in God's kingdom the blind will not lead the blind. You cant stand unless you had fallen and the word for this season is that there is a rising for the remnants of God. He is calling you to Arise and shine, take your place again. DO not be afraid.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, Shine, For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Vs 2 ...But the glory of the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you.
Vs3 The Gentiles shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising

Eph5:14 Awake you who sleep, Arise from the dead and Christ will give you Light

Let us get up, Isaiah 52:1-2 says Awake, Awake! put on your strength O Zion, put on your beautiful garments...

The glory of the Lord will be seen upon you from the ends of the earth and people will know that the Lord is with you and has been good to you. The time is coming when you shall walk in His favor. But Arise and get ready, clean the dust from your clothes and Arise for it comes quickly. What the Lord is about to do in you no eye has seen and no ear has heard but be ready and expectant. It is big and sudden and your wait is over.

Just want to praise

So, the account I usually use to post on here was hacked and/or deleted... 


I need to praise and I can't be bothered inviting myself back and trying to sign in and all that.

God is wonderful and always on time... and He can and WILL furnish a table in your wilderness so hang in there and keep your eye on the prize. His plans are wonderful and if we will just wait a little while, everything will have no choice but to work out because God is in control. It's a privilege to be His child, it's an honor to be included in His great plan and it's a blessing to see the beauty of His promises unfold, bit by bit...

Much love


Friday, October 16, 2009

I miss her

I have this friend of mine on my mind...she is keeping me busy. She makes my problems seem like nothing. But doesnt that just happen to us all the time. I want to figure it out for her, I want the Lord to let me in on what it is He is doing so that I know what to tell her but...silence.

So I am silently thinking about her and missing her all at the same time. I am praying and waiting and knowing time will create something special...But now I wait and pray and think and miss!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

God help us

I just saw this in the papers. I only read the headline and looked at the picture. Honestly what is this???

"Man Weds Four Brides on the Same Day."

This just a few hours after I found out a friend of mine lost her aunt to domestic violence. The woman was stabbed to death by her husband before he flew to another city with their children.

God help us...! When I look at photos like the one above, I wonder, why does it seem like so many people want to become proverbs? And why is it so offensive when someone asks us all to wake up??

Monday, October 5, 2009

my future is sorted out. God knows the plans He has for me. plans that won't harm me. all i have to do is align myself to the thoughts and will of God. i have to sit at the feet of Jesus. i have to know Jesus more and obey Him. i suppose it is quite hard to develop a consistency in this discipline; you know, giving more time and attention to my devotional hours, praying at all times, receiving God's love, trusting Him at all times even in difficult situations, and all that. but i suppose it's worth it. when i think of reaching the promised land, walking in the life i dream of ; it is worth it to delight in the Lord. and besides, i didn't even deserve it if it wasn't for what Christ did on the Cross. who am i not to receive this free gift of such a great life just because i'm comfortable in my comfort zone?

my future is secure in God's hands. He is handing it out it to me. freely. even when i didn't deserve it except through Christ. i will get out of my comfort zone. i will do whatever it takes to receive every gift and blessing that God is giving me.