Thursday, April 15, 2010

Green Card

It’s truly amazing that even among the supposedly spiritually mature, there is such a thing as a friend with benefits. It’s not necessarily sexual, though it sometimes may be - how else do you explain that 'godly' man who soon insists on sleeping with you? But there are people who will be your friends because they see you as a stepping stone en route to their destination, and the minute you stop being useful to that effect, they cease to be your friend.

I remember one gospel minister telling me that she was supposed to go and give a talk somewhere, but found out that the team that called her did not even want to take care of her accommodation or transport. She refused to go and that’s understandable because these are difficult economic times and to be honest if you call someone to speak on a powerful topic for free, the least you can do is give them bus fare and a place to lay their heads.

When they realized she was not going to go, instead of trying to find even the cheapest means to get her there, they asked her to email them her notes so that they could read from them.

“Those people just wanted to use me,” she said. Thankfully, she spotted it and knowing her, I am sure she told them off.

People will use you, even in the church and you have to be ready to spot the phonies at first sight, or else you will end up embittered and frustrated at the wrong level of the battle. The devil is a liar… that’s all he’s good for and he will even lie to you that you have a friend (or that you don’t have one) so that your purposes are frustrated. I’ve had my own share of users in the past and I know firsthand that it’s important to go slow, and observe people carefully when things are not going their way, because that’s when you will see their true character. Either the phone calls will cease, the love will wax cold and the rumours will begin to flow, or they will continue in tough times to be the same people they have been in the good times.

Blessings, ladies!

1 comment:

  1. haven't experienced a green card situation that deep in the Church yet! that is another prayer issue. i'm currently reading 'the bait of satan' by john bevere and what u've written is reminding me a lot about that!! -Crys


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