Monday, October 5, 2009

my future is sorted out. God knows the plans He has for me. plans that won't harm me. all i have to do is align myself to the thoughts and will of God. i have to sit at the feet of Jesus. i have to know Jesus more and obey Him. i suppose it is quite hard to develop a consistency in this discipline; you know, giving more time and attention to my devotional hours, praying at all times, receiving God's love, trusting Him at all times even in difficult situations, and all that. but i suppose it's worth it. when i think of reaching the promised land, walking in the life i dream of ; it is worth it to delight in the Lord. and besides, i didn't even deserve it if it wasn't for what Christ did on the Cross. who am i not to receive this free gift of such a great life just because i'm comfortable in my comfort zone?

my future is secure in God's hands. He is handing it out it to me. freely. even when i didn't deserve it except through Christ. i will get out of my comfort zone. i will do whatever it takes to receive every gift and blessing that God is giving me.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
