Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What does it mean to be classy?
Are classy women born or made?
Is class something Christian women should have? Does it come as we walk in God or can we take lessons or...???
And is it something we should pursue?
Thoughts, anyone?


  1. i'm not sure what it means to be classy, but i suspect classy women are made, not born. though u cuold be born into a certain class of family, u stiill have to be made into it. i think a woman should just run along with God and if he brings people her way who help mould her into a 'classy' woman for His divine reasons and purposes, then so be it. if not, either way, bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit beats any wordly classiness.

  2. i think being classy means knowing who you are and refusing to live like less than that. classy women are made. either they follow in the footsteps of those before them or they acquire different behaviours when they walk with God. we should only pursue God that way we learn class. i agree with crys bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit beats any worldly classiness.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
